We’re excited to start up our next round of expos we’ll be attending this year. We’re going to kick off the summer shows with San Diego Comic Con!
This year, we’ll be at Booth # 229 (it’s in the gaming section of the exhibit hall) and you’ll be able to catch all of our custom built arcade cabinets featuring our games: Game 4, BattleBlock Theater, Alien Hominid HD, and Castle Crashers. Our Castle Crashers arcade cabinet will actually be newly refurbished to run our upcoming Xbox One edition: Castle Crashers Remastered!
Come stop by to say hi and get the unique experience of playing our games on our rad arcade set up! See you July 9 thru July 12!
In a flash, it’s over. PAX East 2015 ended and all we’re left with are warm memories of a cold city. Day 3 was especially eventful because we added a Super Soviet Missile Mastar (Sunday Funday) High Score Contest!
The person who showed us the highest score by 4pm received a full set of pins from our Series 4 set. Can you believe that this gentleman here hit 33,173?! Great job, Ronald!
In the early afternoon, a few of us took a quick break to go support our Research Centaur UX+QA Director, Lindsay, as she spoke on the panel called “Includification: 5 Easy Steps to Make Your Game Accessible.” (You go, Lindsay!)
We also added another autograph signing for a chance to meet & greet with Tom and Will! (By the way, it was Will’s birthday on this last day of PAX East! Leave him a birthday message below if you love himmmmm!)
You can see all the photos of the signing and other Day 3 event photos HERE.
Overall, it was another amazing year in Boston. Thanks to the attendees who took the time to play our demo of Game 4 and thanks to those who supported us by purchasing our official merch at the gift shop! We really travel thousands of miles and brave the cold for you guys and gals.
Check out our video recap of the expo by our friend, Paul:
In case you missed it, here’s the set up video he edited for us as well: