Toothbrush for World Smile Day

Today is World Smile Day! This is the day where you can participate in acts of kindness and friendliness, and to smile and make others smile.
Our first act of kindness will be to give you this Toothbrush in BattleBlock Theater! But you’re going to have to work for it and all that hard work will make you smile! 😀
Complete the Furbottom’s Features in either Solo or Co-Op and unlock this Toothbrush. If you’re feeling fancy, you can play the newly updated Co-Op feature:
XBLA Co-Op Feature
For The Behemot by Arfaras
Difficulty rating: Intermediate
Steam Co-Op Feature
Orange Blocks (two Players) by Getlucky12341

Difficulty rating: Intermediate

We hope you have fun playing our game this weekend and remember to flash those pearls of yours!


A sight for sore eyes in BBT

I See You...have completed Furbottom's Features. Huzzah!Long time no see! We haven’t re-released this special unlock in a while and we figured it’s a good time considering today is Comic Book Day! You’ll need a few extra pairs of eyes to flip through all those pages of super heroes and super villains.


So does that make “I See You” a helpful hero, or does it look more like a friendly foe to you?


It’s up to you now since you’ll be able to unlock this prisoner by going into BattleBlock Theater!


While you’re in there, you can also check out our newest Arena Features!


XBLA Arena Feature:

Basket Soccor By Agentp93

Steam Arena Feature:

TouchyBlocky by Ten_Tacles