Special this week: 3 New Prisoners!

This week, you’ll be getting something super special when you sign in to your Xbox LIVE account and load up the full version of BattleBlock Theater. We’re giving you the Boot, then the Moose and 50% OFF Prisoner–All for FREE. Badabingbadaboom!

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Welcome to August! Another wonderful month full of prisoners and fun. Enjoy the summer with your new friends in BBT! We’re going to continue rolling out new special prisoners for the month of August and release at least one a week.

Stay tuned to our Devblog, BBT Facebook page, or Twitter to keep up with the releases.

25% Off Prisoner! Blocketeer!

Welcome to another Furbottom’s Friday! We’re bringing you another two special prisoners in BattleBlock Theater:

FeaturePost_25OFF25% OFF Prisoner

First, just log in to your Xbox LIVE account and load up BattleBlock Theater. If you make your way to Furbottom’s Features, you’ll notice that you will already unlock a special prisoner just by being in the game! This prisoner has been reduced to 25% OFF and this week it is totally freeeee!

Just make sure you have the full version of BattleBlock Theater in order to get this 3/4 version of a prisoner. Available until next Thursday, August 1st.


FeaturePost_BLOCKETEERAs your reward for completing one of the two newest Furbottom’s Features playlists, you’ll be getting a rock… I mean a BLOCKeteer!

(Jet pack not included with prisoner, but can be found in game. Certain restrictions apply. Jet packs good for three uses. We are not responsible for the loss of items such as jet packs or wings. Please use items responsibly. Void where prohibited.)

Available until we change the next Furbottom’s Features playlists on the morning of August 9th.