Upcoming Autumn Sales

To kick off the season of sales (™ pending), we are serving up FOUR piping hot plates of sales, with extra sales, and a side sales salad for your festive family dinner. Eat up!

Behemoth Store Sales: Nov 25th-30th

  • 20% off Merch. Discount Code: GRAVYBOAT
  • 50% off Pit People Figurines

Steam Autumn Sale 2021: Nov 24th- Dec 1st

Switch Cyber Deals 2021: Nov 24th- 30th

And I know what you are thinking…what about our localized chronic hypothermia? Fear not, we didn’t forget about your lack of neck feathers! With a wave of my magic wing: RAZZAMAFOO! Bonus Bargain!

Now, may your bellies be full, games and merch be cheap, and necks be warm!

Hop to the Spring Chicken Merch Sale!

We’re just surprised as you that it’s already spring again, but we’re celebrating anyway! Hippity hoppity on over to the It’s Spring Chicken Merch sale, going on now in our online merch store.

From now through Friday, April 9th, get 30% off of Behemoth merchandise using code BOKBOK at checkout! We’re chickens, and chicks are Easter-y, and you can stuff your Easter baskets with our stuff. Plus a spring sale is for like… the opposite of spring cleaning. Spring hoarding?

As you can see, this strange season is the perfect time to get your goods, for purposes of spring and chickens and eggs and Easter and our merch being on sale! Be sure to hop on over to the store before the deals are gone.