Happy 4th of July! Have some Sausage & Boom!

FeaturePost_SAUSAGETis the season to be eating barbecue and watching the skies light up with fire flowers (that’s the Japanese translation of fireworks anyway). It’s also the perfect time to bring over some friends to play BattleBlock Theater!


So let us celebrate Fourth of July with you by giving you the Sausage and Boom! prisoner unlock just for signing in and playing some online arenas.


Here are the Arena Features that we just featured:


In XBLA: IDK by AbsorbingBeatle


In Steam: Footbasket by Bloofus


Happy Furbottoms Fridays and happy Independence Day! Enjoy your weekend, buddy.

BattleBlock Theater Steam Ball Game Tourney Sign Ups


BattleBlock Theater hit One Million leader board entries today! (Huzzah XBLA & Steam community!) Add that with the World Cup excitement and we’ve got a fitting time to hold our first BattleBlock Theater Steam Ball Game Tournament!


Anyone 13 or older can register and we’ll be accepting up to 60 registrations before July 9th. All registrants must be available on July 10th between 9AM-5PM for a qualifying audition round (don’t worry, we’ll schedule a slot with you ahead of time!) and available for the entire Tournament period of 3PM-5:30PM on July 16, 2014.


The grand prize will be a mystery prize + some awesome BattleBlock Theater merchandise. Mystery prize will be revealed on our live Twitch stream of the Tournament on July 16, 2014 — so even if you don’t join the tournament, make sure you mark your calendars to watch!


For those of you who are interested in registering, get all the info on the official BattleBlock Theater Steam Ball Game Tournament page HERE.