Halloween might look a little bit different this year, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still be an absolute blast! We’ve been celebrating all month with decorated chickens, spooky art, and of course, the annual Behemoth Halloween contest. But we have another trick up our sleeves this Halloween!
Whether you’re looking for a place to store your candy or a fun table decoration, these DIY candy buckets are a fun craft for you to create! We’ve made them in two, erm, flavors… Bitey Bat, and Alien Hominid, so you can pick your favorite! You’re also welcome to mix things up and create a new character, of course — one of our favorite things about our fans is how creative they can be.

It might not be a pumpkin, but things are about to get a little messy on the crafting table. Let’s get started!
Base Candy Bucket
Use this as the base for either the Bitey Bat or Alien Bucket!
For basic balloon paper mache:
– Paste mix (for a balloon 7 – 8 inches wide)
● Flour: 1 cup
● Water: 1 cup + have extra water on the side
● *Salt: 1 tbsp (Optional: The salt will help prevent the paper mache from molding during time in storage)
– Balloon
– Newspaper (tear into 1-inch x 4 – 6 inch strips by hands)
– String to hang balloon dry
– A small bowl for balloon to sit on while you work on it

It’s going to get messy! Make sure you put newspapers on the surface of your work area.
1. Mix flour, water and salt. It’ll be pretty thick, so keep adding water little by little (about 1 tbsp at a time) until the mix/paste becomes the same consistency as batter. Make sure to mix it until there’s no lumps!

2. Put the balloon in an empty bowl to hold it up. Dip one strip of newspaper in the paste and soak it until it’s completely saturated. Run it through your fingers to squeeze off any excess paste, then stick the strip over the balloon and smooth it out with your fingers. Cover the balloon with newspaper strips, making sure the strips overlap in different directions. You don’t have to cover the entire balloon, just the larger 2⁄3 part of the balloon above the knot.

3. Once the balloon is covered with at least two layers of newspaper strips, tie a string under the knot of the balloon and hang it dry. I recommend putting newspaper on the floor in case the paste drips.

I did two layers without waiting for the first layer to dry. It took about 24 hours for the paper mache to completely dry. The surface got slightly bumpy, but it came out fine for a small project.
For those who are drying it before applying another layer, you can put the left-over mix/paste in a Tupperware and store it in the fridge until you do the next layer.

4. When it’s completely dry, puncture the balloon and remove it.

Now you’re ready to take your new balloon bucket to the next level! You’ve got a choice to make…
Bitey Bat Candy Bucket
Additional materials for Bitey Bat:
– Cereal box or any big box/paper that’s sturdy without being too thick
– Acrylic paint (black, white and red) & brushes
– Pipe cleaners or yarn for handle
– Masking tape or glue gun
– A box cutter or scissors
1. Start with your base bucket. Draw a zig zag line for the fur spikes on Bitey Bat’s head. From the zig zag, extended it with a straight line to wrap around the rest of the bucket. Trim with a box cutter or scissors.

2. Paint it black, then let the bucket dry.

3. Once it’s dry, paint the eyes, mouth and fangs on it. It’s much easier to draw outlines with a pencil before you start painting!

4. Cut a cereal box to create the wings and eats, and paint them black.
5. Once they’re dry, cut small lines on the inner side of the ears and wings to create flaps for attaching them to the bucket.

6. Cut slits on each side of the bucket so the ears and wings can slide in.

7. Slide the ears and wings in the bucket, fold the flaps of each piece against the inside wall of the bucket and tape or hot glue it. (I used both. I hot glued first, then taped it over.)

8. Make a small hole on each side of the bucket for the handle by puncturing with a sharp object (tip of scissors, box cutter, etc.). Then stick a pencil through it to make the hole bigger. Attach your string or pipe cleaner handle — I connected three pipe cleaners to make one handle for this Bitey Bat bucket.

If looks could kill, Bitey Bat most certainly would. Chomp!
Alien Hominid Candy Bucket
Additional materials for Alien Hominid:
– Cereal box or any big box or paper that’s not too thin or too thick
– Acrylic paint (black, white and red) & brushes
– Masking tape or glue gun
– A box cutter or scissors
1. Start with your base bucket. Trim the top part with a box cutter or scissors to make it straight and flat.
2. Paint the bucket yellow, then let it dry.
3. Draw outlines for eyes and mouth with a pencil very lightly. It makes it a lot easier to balance the eyes and mouth out if you cut a circle of paper for the eyes.

4. Paint eyes and mouth on, and let dry.

5. Cut a piece of paper to act as a stencil for sparkles in the Alien’s eyes, then draw a line around it and paint them white.

6. Make a small hole on each side of the bucket for the handle by puncturing with a sharp object (tip of scissors, box cutter, etc.). Then stick a pencil through it to make the hole bigger.

7. Attach your string or pipe cleaner handle. For the Alien, I made a yarn handle. To keep it in place, I made a big knot with yarn inside the bucket, but if you think the knot is too small or the hole is too big and are afraid of it slipping out you can wrap tape around the end of the yarn.

8. Cut a cereal box into 4 small circles of the same size, and paint them yellow. It’s okay to just paint one side of each!

9. Hot glue the non-painted side of a circle piece to your handle, and put another circle on the backside.

Now you’ve got a picture perfect Alien ready to invade!
With these guys, you’ll be ready for any Halloween plans you have! If you make your own Behemoth Candy Bucket, be sure to share it with us on Twitter or Instagram! Happy haunting!