Behemoth Trophies

For the past couple of months we’ve been working on assembling our custom made Behemoth Trophies in order to ship them out to our weekly Leaderboard winners. During that time we’ve been documenting the process because well….we like to document our projects, and more importantly we’re the first developer/publisher to offer something like this, so we wanted to be sure we had some pictures on hand. Needless to say, they came out amazingly well and the whole process can be seen from start to finish here.

So here is the first ever shot (to your right) of our exclusive Behemoth Trophies. We’ve beeen putting the final touches on them and getting them all prepped for shipping. Our Leaderboard compeition is scheduled to run for a whole year and we’re currently in week 6 of the contest. So there is still plenty of time for you to win one of these exclusive trophies.

If you’re not certain how to enter our competition, it’s simple! First make sure you have a Xbox 360, then you need to log-on to the Xbox Live Arcade service and download Alien Hominid HD (only 800 Microsoft Points!) Finally, you need to be the top scorer in any of theese three categories:

Alien Hominid HD (Main Game – Hard Difficulty)
All You Can Eat (Weekly Ranked Match)
PDA Games (Monthly Ranked Match)

After you win, you will be contacted by us and we’ll send you your trophies, not to mention we feature your Gamercard on our site and you have the opportunity to be placed in the Hall of Fame where you will receive a super grand prize. If you want a list of the FULL rules, just head over to the official page and check them out. So congratulations to all the previous winners and good luck to those who are still trying.

IGF 2007 Picture Page and a new site!

I was putting together the IGF picture page and I figured, while I’m doing that I should re-design the whole site! So for the past few days, I’ve been furiously trying to transfer everything over to this new format. Speaking of IGF, it was a great experience for all of us! We ended up taking home the Audience Award and Excellence in Visual Arts for Castle Crashers. You can read all about our adventures here

In the meantime we’re all working hard on Castle Crashers and slowly, very slowly getting ready for this years Comic-Con, which is only 4 months away! Well please take a look around and if you want to get nostalgic be sure to check out the news section of the page, everything is nicely organized for your viewing pleasure.
