Moving back to San Diego

Our very own Dan Paladin is moving back to San Diego, Yay! He left Cleveland, Ohio yesterday afternoon and has been calling us with reports on his current location. So of course we took a few minutes out of our day to make the, “Dan’s Roadtrip Across America” image you see above. Here is his current progress as of Thursday.

Wednesday Afternoon, August 8th, 2007 – Cleveland, Ohio
Wednesday Night, August 8th, 2007 – Iowaspending the night
Thursday Afternoon, August 9th, 2007 – Overton, Nebraska
Thursday Night. August 9th, 2007 – Ogallala, Nebraska spending the night
Friday Morning, August 10th, 2007 – Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Friday Night, August 10th, 2007 – Beaver, Utah

Saturday, August 11th, 2007 – MIA

After Beaver, utah, we lost contact with Dan, our sources tell us he’s making a run for the border. If you see Dan please let him know we need to finish Castle Crashers.

Comic-Con is Coming…..


9 days left until Comic-Con 2007 is here. We’re really looking forward to this years show as we celebrate our 5th year! at the con! We’re going to have a brand new, hand made booth, new merchandise, and both Castle Crashers, and Alien Hominid HD playable demo’s. In addition to all of this, our friends over at Newgrounds will be joining us this year. Our booth number is #4529 and we will be right on the main aisle, just look for the giant chicken.

In case you’ve never been to Comic-Con, we have documented our last 4 years for your viewing pleasure. Take a look at our news section and browse through some of our previous years at the show. We started off in 2003 with just a table, a large chicken, and a playable demo of Alien Hominid, and this year we are going all out and putting together one of the most elaborate booth’s ever, which pretty much means we will have 2 tables this time. (<–sarcasm)

Hope to see you there!