Castle Crashers 50% off on XBLA!

Recently we’ve been tracking Castle Crashers ranking on XBLA based on user reviews. We’ve been very fortunate thanks to our amazing fans for having the top spot for highest player-rated XBLA title, but something that’s been very exciting for us to see lately is that we’re in the Top 5 for the Action & Adventure genre for the entire service! Right now we’re sitting in 4th place in front of some massive titles like Bioshock and Red Dead Redemption. Pretty awesome, no?

Speaking of awesome, Castle Crashers is going on SALE on XBLA! This Friday, April 15th, Castle Crashers will be just 600 chickenwings. We’re celebrating Leonardo Da Vinci’s Birthday! And Tax Day! And the Sinking of the Titanic! Take your pick, and pick up Castle at half off in this one day discount.

In other news, you can check out a podcast with BattleBlock Theater Level Designer Aaron Jungjohann over on Front Towards Gamer. We’ve also dontated a bunch of goodies inlcuding some stealthy camouflage Castle Crashers stickers to their sister company Operation Supply Drop which sends video games, consoles, and other gaming goodies to troops deployed overseas!

PAX East, a story told in pictures

Did you ever go over to your friend’s house and build a fort? Pretty fun, right? You could say that PAX east was a bit like that. Now, if your fort held over a half ton of arcade cabinet and was visited by a few thousand of your closest friends, well, then I’d say it was almost exactly like that. Also, wow, you had one awesome childhood- we salute you. Now that Team Boston has sufficiently recovered from the Boston tundra, we wanted to share with you some of the behind the scenes trials and triumphs of this year’s PAX east, all through the magic of jpegs!

We hope you had fun at our little island in the sea of gaming goodness that is PAX East. We also hope Battleblock Theater gave you a chance to meet new friends… and that you then threw them head first into a grenade/laser beam/wall of spikes 🙂

hit the jump for picture assault!

-Aaron, citizen of Behemothtown, district of Testopia