Tokyo Game Show!

Even though we just got back from PAX Prime, our tradeshow stops are not over. A couple members of the dev team: John, Ian and Kirit will be representing The Behemoth at Tokyo Game Show!

With last year’s record breaking attendance of 207,647–surpassing both PAX Prime and East combined, it’ll be the only place where we’ll have BattleBlock Theater demos on international waters for play! We’ll have the latest build running of our story mode on flat screens with a seating area reserved for players. Top screens will run game play so that attendees who are too shy to try, can watch and be captivated to free Hatty Hattington from doom.

For those going to Tokyo Game Show for the first time and are looking to buy merchandise, the layout is quite different than other trade shows. We’ll have our booth with BattleBlock Theater, Castle Crashers and our newest addition, Chonku-Chonku Machines! Three of them to be exact. There will be a separate “Sales Area” where we’ll be able to sell Behemoth items.

Photo by RedFive99, on Flickr.

A month from now, we’ll be holding a booth at the San Diego Asian Film Festival, on the 22nd and 23rd of October. If you’re into great independent foreign films, check out for more info!

Now sit back & relax, but expect a post with updates from TGS soon!!


<3, Christine

For Tar, I will walljump forever long

Have you ever loved something so much you were inspired to write a poem about it?

Prisoner #10326 might be related to Shakespeare in some way because of his fancy mustache! This is a revelation that the roots of greatness lie in hair follicles! Or maybe that it sends telepathic messages to the pen and paper?

Our friend has a serious problem. Or not a problem, but a formidable love of tar, from which blocks are formed to lay a path can present a road block or a helping hand!

At one point, the dev team thought, “how awesome would it be if players could walljump?” After we tested the walljump (in the game), we found out that it didn’t utilize the benefits of co-op play like other features (like the boat) would. We wanted to highlight the fact that the mechanics work better when you play together! Our solution was to limit the walljumping to a certain block type, so the tar block was chosen because of its sticky factor! Players can now take advantage of pushing against the tar blocks to slide down and retrieve gems or balls of yarn in mid-air!

How will Prisoner #10326 deal with this dilemma? To love tar, or to not love tar, that is thy question. Everything about the way tar moves and sounds–so slippy and drippy, brings memories of a favorite treat, will help our friend slow down and enjoy the ride. It is advised not to stay in one place for too long as vicious animals will get hungry…

Watch how Prisoner #10326 and relationship with Tar blocks stack up!

