fantastic foam four foot figure

amazing!!!  clint burgin, who has sculpted all of our figurines thus far, is now working on 4 foot tall figures for comic-con this year!  he should be done the night before the show just in time for awesomeness.  clint has been working day and night thanks to the very short notice we gave him 🙂  thank you clint!!!!!!!!    we’ll have these characters at our booth so you can all take pictures next to them!

tom and i went up to see how clint was doing.  while we were there i took some pictures to share!!  here you can see them in their blue foam glory –unfinished in shape, but definitely giving a good glimpse of the progress.

we’ll also be bringing these to PAX.  see you guys there!

for those of you wondering about release date, follow this link:


E3 2008 and Comic-Con

Our friends over at Gamespot had a chance to check out Castle Crashers yesterday for the first “official” day of E3 2008. They only had enough time to make it through part of the first level, but hey it’s better than nothing.

Some things to point out from the video, that some of you might have questions on:

  • Experience is based on the number of times you actually hit the enemy.
  • CPR — When you’re in a local or multiplayer match and one of your friends gets killed you can go over their body and perform CPR to revive them, and yes it’s pretty awesome.
  • When you level up your character you receive stat points that can go into the four main attributes of the game: Strength, Magic, Defense, Agility. In addition this you unlock more melee combos as you progress to higher levels.

In other news, we have Comic-Con coming up next week and we’re all going pretty crazy trying to get everything ready for the show. It’s going to be a pretty crazy time as our booth keeps getting more intricate and amazing every year. If you’re in the San Diego area on July 24th-27th please come by the San Diego Convention Center and visit us at Booth# 5029. We’ll have Tom Fulp, and Dan Paladin there providing free hugs, seriously just ask they love that stuff.
