Game #3 monster concept

Today I post a new animation of a new monster concept for the new Game #3!


(this animation runs proper speed in FireFox)

This monster is territorial and resembles a raccoon or stag of sorts (Perhaps a distant relative of the Weapons Frog?). Being built as a predator this monster comes equipped with sharp teeth and hind claws. It also comes equipped with a mild case of narcolepsy – so the hunts must remain brief.

Nothing else is known about this monster at this time.

I’ve bounced around a couple names for this guy, but, does anyone out there want to take a stab at it?


Easter and Sushi

Happy Easter! You know, i’ve felt like we need some kind of an update on here. Maybe you’ve felt the same way? If so, we’re totally on the same wavelength. Right on.
I recently discovered this great Bento work by Anna the red. She has some really nice things to say about Castle Crashers. Thanks, Anna!


That’s right – it’s edible!!! How great is that? I’m really impressed at the complexity here. Do you think anyone ate it later?

Work on the new game is coming along well. If I had to guess, I’d guess that some time around San Diego’s Comic-Con (in July) we’ll have some more to share. That sounds about right!