Alien Hominid HD – June Leaderboard Winners

The contest is now closed! We had three awesome weekly leaderboard scores for the main Alien Hominid HD game on medium difficulty. Mini-game players also had a chance to show off their skills and work hard at the monthly leaderboard scores for PDA Games (Ranked match) and Super Soviet Missile Mastar. Too late to enter now, but if you’re curious what sorts of hoops they had to jump through and who qualified to enter, you can check out the contest rules here.

All five winners will be getting their very own Alien Hominid HD leaderboard trophy! Here’s an idea of what it will look like minus the personalized engraved base underneath:


Congratulations to the following players:

Alien Hominid HD – Medium Difficulty – Weekly Leaderboard
6/16/2012: Poopisgood007 – 321,914 points
6/23/2012: Those 30 Ninjas – 1,000,701 points
6/30/2012: X Inkie – 151,369 points

PDA Games – Ranked Match – Monthly Leaderboard
6/30/2012: Youhakuwra – 21,300 points

Super Soviet Missile Mastar – Most KM Traveled Leaderboard
6/30/2012: Utter Pownage 5 – 17,961 points


Alien vs. Alien Hominid Fan Art Contest

Update (6/11/2012):

CONGRATS to Tayseanpwnssandsharkattack, and natchbox on having their art selected as Top Three. They will be receiving movie tickets and a Super Soviet Missile Mastar t-shirt! Also, great job to all the entries/contestants. FEL was our lucky raffle winner and he’ll be receiving the Alien Anthology box set, movie tickets and the SSMM t-shirt!

You’ve probably seen tons of images of Alien vs. Predator, but we haven’t seen enough images of Alien vs. Alien Hominid! Show us your craziest, funniest, most creative fan art drawings. Who will be popping out of whose chest? Will there be head-chomping involved? We can’t wait to see!

Fan art
Artist: Sabrina (Sabtastic) @

Enter the contest by registering as a Behemoth Community member and post your artwork in this forum thread:

Submit your artwork by June 8, 2012 at noon PST. Three artworks will be selected to win two movie tickets to see Prometheus and a Super Soviet Missile Mastar t-shirt. ALL SUBMISSIONS are entered to win a gift set: Box-set of Alien Anthology, two movie tickets to see Prometheus and a Super Soviet Missile Mastar t-shirt. One entry will be randomly selected and awarded the gift set prize. Limit one entry per person into online raffle.

This offer is not valid if your parents/legal guardians do not want you to participate, so be sure to ask them first. In addition the following people are not eligible for awards or trophies:

  1. Behemoth/Newgrounds/Microsoft/VMC employees or their respective family. (Sorry Dan P and Eric H)
  2. It is also not valid if you live in a region/locale/state that does not allow for these types of activities, please check your local laws, blah, blah, blah.

What are my chances?
MU-TH-R 182: Does not compute. Insufficient data.

Take your chances to win the Alien Anthology box set!

(Edit: We’re extending the contest to Friday! So submit your work on the forums by June 8th, noon PST)