Thank you to everyone who read along with our live blog and kept up with our photo album during PAX West 2024! The show has come to a close, the chickens have flocked back to their coop in California, and their chicken hearts are filled with love and appreciation for every person who stopped by our booth. If you missed it, check out our live recap blog of PAX West below, starting from the bottom of the page upwards!
Another PAX West is just around the corner, and YOU are officially invited to come meet your favorite chicken dev team, as long as you have chicken feed in tow. We can’t wait to see you in Seattle!
From August 30th through September 2nd, you can find us at Booth #1501 in the Seattle Convention Center’s Arch Expo Hall – our original location on the fourth floor at the skybridge! We’ll be there with open chicken wings to guide you to the gamez.
This Big Chicken will be flapping its wings all the way up North with our legendary lineup of wing-made arcade cabinets, including the shiny new version of BattleBlock Theater – come get a sneak peek of the recently announced quality of life update before all your friends! We’ll also have Alien Hominid Invasion, Alien Hominid HD, Back Off Barbarian, and our four-player Castle Crashers mega arcade cabinet. Your princess is at another tradeshow!
Along with our Behemoth arcade hub chill zone of awesomeness, we’ll have new, show-exclusive merch (including a fresh Behemoth PAX tee, of course), and a little birdie told me that there may be autographs, in-booth competitions EVERY day of the show, raffles, and [REDACTED]!!! Can you believe [REDACTED]?!?! I know I can hardly wait.
More info about daily schedules, merch, and [REDACTED] coming soon! Will the chicken really be able to flap its wings all the way up there? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen Behemoth chicken? What is the airspeed velocity of a fully laden Behemoth chicken packed with arcade cabinets and PAX merch for our besties? Find out the answers to these burning questions and more next time, and see you in Seattle!