Another Summer! Another Summer Sale!

What is this, a crossover episode?!

Now for something completely different: getting stuff for less monetary stuff than that stuff normally goes for!

Yes, you maybe read that sentence right: It’s Steam Summer Sale Time! While it isn’t an official holiday yet, we won’t tell if you suddenly come down with a cold for a long summer weekend of gaming… If you’re still reading this, you’re most likely aware of what I’m about to tell you so I’ll just say it really, really fast:

The Steam Summer Sale is happening, literally happening right now, right this second until July 13th and all of our games are on sale like Castle Crashers, BattleBlock Theater, and Pit People but Castle Crashers and BattleBlock Theater are 80% off while Pit People is 56% off and our bundles are also a percent off and you can buy them now, you can buy them tomorrow, just be sure to buy them before July 13th at 10AM Pacific Time or you’re going to have to find more monetary stuffs to stuff these titles into your Steam library and/or backlog and I’m done with my run-on sentence!

Have A Good Summer (HAGS) from the Big Chicken!


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These are just some of the searches we found when our mainframe was invaded by aliens. It seems that they’re all in the holiday spirit and trying to make the most of it. So, aliens, if you’re reading this, please do not gift-wrap ice cream cones. Just bring them straight back to the Mothership and get your sugar rush wiggles out while you’re there.

Unexpectedly, we suffered some sort of extraterrestrial breach Thursday, 14th of December, 2022. Everything is fine now – there is no immediate cause for concern. The only discernible difference we discovered was the previously mentioned search history (although when you consider thousands of aliens invading, it was much more abundant than those six searches), and one other curious thing…

The aliens left us a holiday surprise? It looks like some sort of calendar. We’re currently trying to work up the courage to open the first day. We’ll keep our eyes on it, think about it overnight, and report back tomorrow around noon. If only we could tune out that weird humming that keeps coming from it…

We’ll be updating our socials with daily findings in case the aliens invade our website domain again. If they come back, maybe we can keep them sated with some mutation juice and cookies.