
There have been some requests to post some action shots of the characters as they are revealed. For the time being I am going to start adding screenshots of each characters while they are in battle, and as time permits I’ll try to get some video up too. In the meantime here is our latest unlockable character that we’ve been referring to as the Brute.

I’m not sure why he is riding a deer in this picture, but the image just made me laugh so I went with it. In addition here are some action shots with the Brute while in our Arena mode.


Edit: I’ve just been informed that we will be switching out our poll on Friday. So you still have some time to vote for your favorite orb.  Poor Seahorse is getting no love 🙁


35 thoughts on “Brute!”

  1. looks kinda like a fencer ( u no, someone who does fencing). And do i see a new weapon in his hand, *hint hint*???

  2. OMG I bet Arena will be used to decide whether or not people have earned the right to earn a trophy ! Could I have a trophy for suggesting that ?

    Also, as a secret character could you have a guy in Recon Armour ? Specifically the Recon Armour from Halo 3 😀

  3. Are those vines coming out of the ground? It looks like the Brute is in a casting magic pose and it looks like he’s summoning vines/thorns.

    Is that what it’s actually suppose to be or is that just something in the arena mode?

    Man if that is his magic I bet all the characters have different magic. That’d be sweet.

  4. Cool, but not as cool as the bear. That just made me lol.

    This might be the best * MS I spend!
    Unfortunatly, my 360 got red ringed.
    I’d laugh if you made homonid a playable charater w/ his knife. (Or a pet)

  5. The halo recon armor idea is funking awsome!!!! Plz almighty god let this game have recon armor!!! Then I might just leave the house to go buy microsoft points for this!

  6. Recon Armor… Guys, the game is already finished and in the testing stages with MS, I doubt there will be any suggestions taken right now.

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