2007 Recap


Well the year is almost over, and we wanted to take a minute and thank all of our fans for all their support this year. We’ve had a hectic schedule these past 12 months and had a great time going to trade shows and meeting our fans. Here is a very brief recap of events from this past year.

January, 2007
San Francisco was our first stop for the year, attending the Annual IGF Awards show. We were nominated for 2 awards for our upcoming title Castle Crashers, and thanks to all of our fans received the Excellence in Visual Arts award, and the coveted Audience Award.

February, 2007
Alien Hominid HD launches on the Xbox LIVE Arcade. Woo hoo! Our first title on the Xbox 360, and definitely not our last.

May, 2007
We announced our Alien Hominid Leaderboard Competition. Sending out trophies to the leaderboard winners on a weekly basis, we were the first developer to ever offer a physical prize for Xbox LIVE Leaderboard winners.

July, August, 2007
Comic-Con and PAX are the largest shows that we attend on a yearly basis. We had amazing turn outs at both events and look forward to another year of convention center fun.

December, 2007
We launch our official Behemoth Store! Within 2 days we completely sell out of our Castle Crashers figurines. In addition to the figurines, we launch a completely new t-shirt line, as well as finally offering our other trade show exclusive merchandise to the masses.

It was another busy year for the Behemoth, and everyone here is looking forward to 2008. We hope everyone has a safe holiday season, and get ready for Castle Crashers!

Comic-Con is Coming…..


9 days left until Comic-Con 2007 is here. We’re really looking forward to this years show as we celebrate our 5th year! at the con! We’re going to have a brand new, hand made booth, new merchandise, and both Castle Crashers, and Alien Hominid HD playable demo’s. In addition to all of this, our friends over at Newgrounds will be joining us this year. Our booth number is #4529 and we will be right on the main aisle, just look for the giant chicken.

In case you’ve never been to Comic-Con, we have documented our last 4 years for your viewing pleasure. Take a look at our news section and browse through some of our previous years at the show. We started off in 2003 with just a table, a large chicken, and a playable demo of Alien Hominid, and this year we are going all out and putting together one of the most elaborate booth’s ever, which pretty much means we will have 2 tables this time. (<–sarcasm)

Hope to see you there!