Pit People Steam Closed Beta – Registration Up Now!

As we head into PAX and the end of Summer, we are excited to announce even more Beta news! Pit People Closed Beta on Steam will take place from September 28th – October 5th. Less than two weeks after our Xbox One Beta ends! Betas for everyone!
Registration for the Steam closed beta is now available so head on over and sign up today!
For those of you who have already registered for the Xbox One Beta, don’t worry you automatically qualify to be a part of the Steam Beta as well! Just head over to our registration page and give us your information.
For those of you who haven’t heard of Pit People until now, here’s our latest game trailer:


Octoclopes will make an enemy into a friend

Click image to enlarge
Click to enlarge image


Quick Closed Beta Update: The Pit People Xbox One closed beta is quickly approaching! We’ll have a separate blog post to announce the beta dates and then emails to selected beta testers will go out shortly after that. Our PC closed beta on Steam will follow once the Xbox One closed beta ends.
Until then, let us regale you with our highly evolved Octoclops from Pit People! We’ve also included some tips on how to use this fighter:


Color me bad

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