Pit People Out Now on Early Access!

THE TIME HAS COME! Pit People is out on Xbox One Game Preview and Steam Early Access! We can’t wait to get your feedback and we are glad to have you join us in our journey!

Some of you have been with us since the beginning when it was first known as Game 4 , and many of you have already helped us out since our Closed Betas in the fall of 2016. (If you beta tested and you’re curious what has been updated since 2016, check out this changelist.)

Pit People is now available on Steam and Xbox One! Early pioneers of the game will receive permanent access to the full game for $14.99USD. When the game is in full release it will be $19.99USD — but anyone who already owns the game would have their version automatically upgraded at no additional charge.

That’s right! If you dive in now you’ll get the game at a discounted price AND you can help us raise this thing like you’d raise a roof or a child. I suppose neither one of those things being raised is completely accurate but I’m sure you understand. We will be raising whatever this thing is together, indirectly and/or directly. Yes sir or ma’am, you get 100% custody of your roof/child/videogame for only a fraction of the cost! No custody battles today!!!!

Now I know you might find yourself wondering: “But..Dan, what about Mariah Carey?” or “I’m still not sure if that dress was gold or blue?” and to be perfectly honest, I don’t really know. I have no idea what to tell you about those things.

However, what I do know is that here at the Behemoth we’re all having a wonderful day. We finally get to send our project out into the world feeling confident that it’s got more than enough nougat in there to satisfy you (Snickers Satisfies) until complete completion!

Just hop onto Steam or your Xbox One and grab it up! If you own our other games, you should receive items in Pit People for having them!

For you beautiful boppin’ Behemoth fans you’ll get the added bonus of cross-game unlocks in Pit People for owning our other games on the same Xbox One or Steam account.
Click here to see how to unlock on Xbox One.
Click here to see how to unlock in Steam.

Note: The Xbox One version and Steam version are separate purchases and cross-platform play between the two are not supported.

We look forward to getting your feedback during this Early Access period. Feel free to drop us a line on our Forums, the Pit People Steam Forums, or our Discord.

We hope you’ll also come join our Pit People events next week as our level designers stream Pit People and I’ll be joining PC Gamer Show as a guest. See you then!

Pit People Changelist since the Closed Betas

With the Pit People Early Access & Xbox Game Preview launch coming up this weekend, you must be curious as to what we’ll have right off the bat! In our Early Access Announcement post, we gave a quick overview of what modes will be available on both Steam and Xbox One:

The Pit People Early Access experience will include a sizable chunk of the Story mission, plus access to several world maps (yes, there are more than one!), quests, Unfair Challenge against the AI, and Versus mode. The game can be experienced as a single player or two-player cooperative mode. Additionally, versus can be played with up to 4 people in 2v2. All multiplayer modes can be played locally or online!

Now, if you’ve never played Pit People before and want to go in spoiler free then we recommend looking away at this point. Below is a changelist with a majority of the updates we’ve made since the Pit People closed betas in 2016!

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