We remember it like it was a year ago: we all got together on a boat, sailed the stormy waters looking for an island made entirely of candy, and ended up on the adventure of a lifetime. Yes, today marks the one-year-anniversary of our BattleBlock Theater release!
Our game made its debut on Xbox LIVE Arcade and now we’re nearing 500,000 players on the leaderboards! You guys and gals have put in over 8 million hours online, collecting more than 5.4 million achievements in the process! Y’all sure have been busy!
We’re also in the middle of Beta Testing the upcoming Steam version of BattleBlock Theater, so soon even more gamers will have a chance to play! So, how do we celebrate it all? Virtual party time, that’s how.
Joining the party are our awesome BBT fans, who have sent us their favorite moments and reasons for loving BattleBlock Theater! You too can join in by following our Twitter, and then tweeting with #BattleBlockTheater or #iloveBattleBlock. Here are a few of our favorite tweets so far:
@RetroRampage37 : #IloveBattleBlock because it includes a level editor, so I can practice level design! (also 2d platformers are my favorite kind of game)