Today’s BattleBlock Theater update features Prisoner #10330, a slick-haired fella with an ice-cold exterior…well, because he’s been locked up in his Ice Block holding cell!
I’m sure everyone’s gone down a slippery slope sometime in their lives, as you will see Prisoner #10330 do in this play. These ice blocks are pretty to look at: glistening in their unpretentious beauty, light blue like the sky and waters they originated from and the sparkle hinting at the possibility of danger.
Other game mechanisms come into play at a moment’s surprise, like spike blocks! You’ll need to avoid being mindlessly compelled into the trap while you’re on ice.
Fans will blow you away and just how far you want it to take you is up to you! Ice blocks can actually help you reach the next scene if you cooperate and let the fan push you far enough so that you can jump onto whatever blocks may be there! Be calculated in your approach to buzz saws and electricity-spewing blocks…
When your movement comes to a stop and you need to get off the blocks, you’ll need more momentum for getting into the run, and it won’t be easy. Then with each push of both your feet, you’ll be gliding away in no time away from harm…
And making a pleasant *squeak-squeak* noise as you get away, how cool!
We’ve got a pair of eyes for you in this week’s Prisoner Update. Prisoners #10312 and #10329 give a perfect example of how BattleBlock Theater is meant to be played, and we’ll tell you why.
We selected this video to show the fans who have never experienced the demo at the tradeshows or seen it in action (without the shakiness with YouTube videos) a complete play of a level from beginning to end. These two thespians are acting in co-opcampaign mode, where trust is the result of the actions as the equation! They learn quickly that they MUST work together if they want to finish the game–or even the level! Prisoners #10312and #10329navigate block mayhem to collect gems that are the keys to their freedom!
Sometimes when people quickly play through the game, they forget to stop and look at the scenery. Maybe they shouldn’t at times when a missile-shooting robot is programmed to kill! Another idea: have fun on the upward fans! In this video they let you gracefully(ish) float up to the next blocks…which we call the “Bridge of Friendship!” Here, your bond is tested. Would your friend stand on the block that forms the bridge across and wait for you to walk across? Or would your friend let you fall in the spikes of betrayal??
We hope by watching this video, you and your friends will realize that you’ll need to work together to solve these puzzles or you’ll never get out alive…
But what’s the fun in that? Don’t worry, you’re still allowed to mess around and grief your friend. Don’t worry if you get the impression that this level is short and sweet. Its an early act and rest assured, we’ll have hundreds of levels for you to endure…*ahem.*
Now carry on, watch our Prisoner Update/Level Playthrough NOW!