Journey to Comic-Con

Comic-Con 2006 is almost here! Please head on over to our “Journey to Comic-Con 2006” section over at We are documenting everything it takes for us to get ready for the con. Updates are done weekly, so be sure to check back as frequently as possible. In addition to Comic-Con news at, we have all the latest information about our next game, so be sure to check it out.

IGF Winners, Network Fun

Incase you haven’t heard yet, Dad ‘n Me took home the award for Best Web Browser Game at the 2006 IGF Awards. You can read all about Tom and Dan’s adventure at this years festival over at Newgrounds. In other news, Tim from Newgrounds came to visit us here in San Diego. The purpose of the trip was to fix some crazy networking stuff between our two offices. All went well and we are up and running now, thanks for the help Tim. Finally, Comic-Con is only 4 months away and we can’t wait.