
Frogglet works in a similar way to that of his larger version, The Weapons Frog.

The Weapon’s Frog in the game serves as a type of weapons locker where all weapons you find in the game will be stored. Each weapon will be inside of this frog and the player will be able to go inside view his current list, and switch to a weapon at any time.

With that said, here’s Frogglet:




This trial knight was cast in a single shot, not the head and body separately. It has a great texture, as if the Green Knight had done a number on him. There are remnant sprues coming out of his nose and hands. The hand ones are pretty cool b/c they look like daggers. Sometimes mistakes can end up looking great!

Here’s a good overview of the entire casting process if you are interested….

This weekend we are going to try another pour with a new process, so hopefully they will come out nice and clean..

bronze castle knight