17 Days Left!

We’re counting down the days until Castle Crashers is released, which is in 17 days! In preparation for this day we’ve been putting together some awesome promotional banners that can be used just about anywhere.  So if you want to help us out grab any of the three images below and plaster them anywhere you can think of to help spread the word. If you do end up using the images below please try to link them back to castlecrashers.com

We’ve also put up our official countdown timer over at castlecrashers.com so please stop by and check it out. It’s all epic looking and the music makes you feel special inside. (or not)



Empty Promises – Weapons Dump

In the past few weeks we’ve released some more weapons in the random posts that we have put up. I was waiting until I had some free time on my hands to post all of them, but as Dan is forcing me to post this right now I guess we all benefit from it.  So here they are: Rat Beating Bat, Saracen Sword, and a Club!

Mr. Paladin also wanted to record a video of the Weapon’s Frog, and Animal Orb Ark. We ended up using this crappy video camera that our testers use to record bugs so please excuse the quality of the video. For a change we’ve included the audio commentary which includes Dan trying to tell me that my attempts at special effects would be distracting. Thanks Dan.

Weapon’s Frog and Animal Orb Ark w/ Audio Commentary
