Throwing your friends, and prisoner #10321

We have a new video this week featuring prisoner #10321!  Bonus points to anyone spotting the new improved foliage!  Today’s video tells a bit more of a story while featuring the mighty THROW move.

This move was originally intended to promote cooperation.  It does this job very well!  However, like many great things, the throw can be used for treachery.  When you and your cohort are running along and one of you decides to strike the throw pose – whoever’s following the other will be thrown as soon as contact is made.  If someone’s not ready for being thrown a whole slew of things can happen!  For instance — throwing your friend into this predicament:

There’s a finer detail to throwing.  If the thrower is facing the throwee, the distance will not be as great.  If the thrower is facing away from the throwee, they will be sent much farther!  A small yet crucial detail while stomping around on dangerous blocks!  You’ll be able to help your friend reach the unreachable!  You’ll both collect more gems, more yarn, more trust, and have more adventure!

But wait, there’s more!  Let’s discuss the throw in combat situations, since you’re going to be in this situation and all.  Facing your opponent and not facing your opponent can be the dealbreaker!  You cannot be slide tackled while facing your opponent and striking your throw pose.  Yep, they’ll go right over your shoulder into whatever danger they wanted you to experience instead.

When executed properly this can lead to splendid, splendid karma.   Oh… you wanted to slide tackle me into spikes?  Think again, SIRE!

Karma is a supporting character throughout BattleBlock Theater.  With the throw move, you’ll probably meet karma many, many times.  But don’t take my word for it!   Just take a look at how prisoners #10321 and #10293 get along…  I’m going to go with the whole monocle/depth perception debate on that one.



Comic-Con in 7 days and Castle Crashers Posters!

If you were born on the planet Earth then you’ve probably hung a poster up on a wall at one point during your existence. Because of this universal link we all share, which involves hanging a piece of paper on the wall, we’re bringing posters to Comic-Con!

In case you’ve never seen a poster being made, we took the liberty of documenting the entire process for you (sort of). Thanks to Dan’s permission we were allowed to take our cameras into the lower levels of Behemoth HQ and show you this exclusive process.


Step 1 – Activate PrintoMatic 2456

After initiating the firing sequence we have to clear the building for 12 hours while the gas clears the room.


Step 2 – Load PrintoMatic 2456 with a substance known only as, “paper”

It takes a total of 3 employees to successfully start the machine. Two to turn the keys on opposite sides of the room, and one to open the roof hatch, which allows the antennae to raise from our building.

Step 3 – Posters are made

After a short 32 hour process the posters are lowered into a pudding like substance where they will rest for 3 days before they are ready to be hung on a wall. This step is very important because it ensures that the poster is capable of sustaining a "wall hang" for weeks at a time.


Our four knights have never looked so good, even while being completely deconstructed and flattened onto a sheet of paper . So if you’re in San Diego next week we encourage you to stop by booth #4219 so you can claim your poster, play some BattleBlock Theater, and probably see Kevin Bacon somewhere.

We were confused towards the end of the process and thought we were in Japan, but when we finally realized we actually live in the United States it was too late so we just left it alone. Hopefully no one notices.

(Special thanks to Rush Press in San Diego for letting us tour the facilities)