PAX Prime 2012 – Set Up Day 1

A little to the left. A little higher. Projector screen looks perfect!

Let’s shift these boxes over towards the SpyParty booth just for a bit while we set up the Gift Shop. Move those tables next to the crates by the Firefall booth.

Things are constantly shifting and changing during set up. We’re provided a 50×20 sq ft area of empty space with just black carpeting to mark our boundaries. In one day, the open spot in the convention center is easily transmogrified into a semi-functional booth with plenty of man-made temporary structures for all of our merchandise and games.

We created a protected area for our tripod and left the camera shooting for eleven hours straight with a photo taken every thirty seconds or so. You can probably imagine how difficult that is with so many forklifts roaming around and stuff being moved left and right. But we did it! We’re happy to present to you our time lapse video of our PAX Prime 2012 Behemoth Booth #3003 set up!

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Alien Hominid HD – June Leaderboard Winners

The contest is now closed! We had three awesome weekly leaderboard scores for the main Alien Hominid HD game on medium difficulty. Mini-game players also had a chance to show off their skills and work hard at the monthly leaderboard scores for PDA Games (Ranked match) and Super Soviet Missile Mastar. Too late to enter now, but if you’re curious what sorts of hoops they had to jump through and who qualified to enter, you can check out the contest rules here.

All five winners will be getting their very own Alien Hominid HD leaderboard trophy! Here’s an idea of what it will look like minus the personalized engraved base underneath:


Congratulations to the following players:

Alien Hominid HD – Medium Difficulty – Weekly Leaderboard
6/16/2012: Poopisgood007 – 321,914 points
6/23/2012: Those 30 Ninjas – 1,000,701 points
6/30/2012: X Inkie – 151,369 points

PDA Games – Ranked Match – Monthly Leaderboard
6/30/2012: Youhakuwra – 21,300 points

Super Soviet Missile Mastar – Most KM Traveled Leaderboard
6/30/2012: Utter Pownage 5 – 17,961 points