Castle Crashers Release Date…..No, seriously.

August 27th, 2008 is our release date. I’m sure you will read it everywhere else before you read it here, but hey that’s just the way these things happen sometimes. We are excited, and relieved to finally be able to say,  Castle Crashers releases on August 27th!

As we get closer to the release date, which is conveniently 2 days before we attend the Penny Arcade Expo we want to make sure your first day of playing Castle Crashers is going to be freakishly enjoyable. With that said we are excited to announce that one of the unlockable characters in Castle Crashers is our little yellow friend Alien Hominid. The best part about this is that if you have purchased the full version of Alien Hominid HD you will have automatically received this unlock on your Castle Crashers character select screen the day you purchase the game.  (August 27th, 2008) We wanted to make sure to include this for all of our fans out there who supported us with the purchase of Alien Hominid HD. If it wasn’t for your support we might not be here today.

More to come later as soon as we unpack from Comic-Con and get our office back in some working order. Microsoft is also having an awesome “Summer of Arcade” promotion where every time you download Castle Crashers you receive one entry for a chance to win 100,000 Microsoft Points, 12 month Xbox LIVE Gold subscription, and an Xbox 360 Elite console.

One last thing for all of the people who have asked this question, “When is Castle Crashers coming out?”,

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008

August 27th, 2008



Comic Con 2008 Day 4

I had originally planned to make daily posts, and even take some videos directly from the show floor but that didn’t really work out too well. It gets pretty crazy in random spurts, and we need to make sure that we’re helping everyone out with selling merchandise, and answering questions so the updates are not that frequent, sorry !!!

I had everyone turn around real quick so I could take a picture of them while they were hard at work.

In the picture above we have Bob from Newgrounds, Josh from The Behemoth, Billie, (master of tradeshows) Melissa, Noelle, and Sarah helping out with running the booth. Everything has been going extremely well as all of our Castle Crashers game demos have been occupied for the entire show! I’ll try to upload some more pictures tomorrow but before I go here’s one more picture of our fearless leaders Tom Fulp, and Dan Paladin sitting at the autograph side of the booth looking pretty tired after a long day at the “Con”

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, and remember if you’re in the San Diego area please stop by our booth (#5029) and say hello.
