Goldbags, shoes, items galore

Amongst all the huge amounts of game development going on we tend to keep ourselves EXTRA busy with cool projects. Here are only a couple of the many things we are currently working on:

Castle Crasher shoes?!

We’ve been thinking about making some shoes every once in a while, but after seeing this link we were even more supercharged to make some! There’s also these shoes and these shoes… I wonder if there are more I haven’t found? I really like the colors on this last one!

Our shoes are not ready, of course, but we are working on getting one done. The design (and modelling) on this one was done by our friend Min Kyung. Sometimes I call her Filet Mignon because that’s what it rhymes with.

This fine bag that I am displaying should look familiar to those of you who have played Castle Crashers. The contents are still secret right now.. I wish I could tell you but it just isn’t time yet šŸ™ So let’s guess. What do you think might be inside? (It’s not gold, even though it looks like it should be)

This concludes our tour for now… There are several other awesome things we’re planning that I will share later!

It’s always so awesome for me to see these things come to life. Let me know what you think of these things, and what your heart desires.


Store Updates

Hello Friends.

I have a few updates to share with everyone. First up our Castle Crashers figurines are now back in stock, yes ! We spent most of last week inside of a warehouse folding boxes and getting everything ready for shipment.

In addition to the figurines now back in stock we’ve added some new products as well!
Behold the Ninja Pirate Tee, and the long awaited Behemoth shirt.

That’s pretty much it for now. More updates to come as we receive them. Thanks!
