Red Army +1

One of the bad things that occasionally happens when you get a bunch of people together for a group photo is that you never know who will show up to spoil the party. Sure, it’s fun to put on your real bronze armor for a photo op, but you better have someone watching your back. This little knight army is about to be red in more ways than one….

A barbarian hunts his prey...

Beefy Mode

Edit: Sorry I broke comments yesterday, all is back to normal now, comment away!

Hello. I wanted to show everyone our Beefy Mode in Castle Crashers, and instead of showing you a screenshot of it in action I figured a very short gameplay video was long overdue.  Before we get to that here’s a little diagram that Dan put together to help further explain it. (sort of)

Beefy Mode is activated by eating some awesome PB&J sandwiches.

And here’s some footage of it in action ….

Castle Crashers – Beefy Mode from The Behemoth
