24 hour Chicken Race Tomorrow!

Ok, so actually its a car race. But not your average car race. It is the 24 Hours of LeMons: The Lamest Day 2009 car race wherein all of the cars  must be acquired and prepared for a maximum of $500.  Winner gets $1500- in nickels, and there is a chance your car can be summarily destroyed by public vote at any time.  If you are going to be in Garrettsville, OH Saturday or Sunday (Oct 3 and 4th), you should definitely go check this race out! Go here for Tickets and race information!

Our friends over at 2slowracing have designed and built a giant racing chicken which will hurtle around the track at ridiculous speeds for 24 hours until it wins the day for overly large poultry everywhere, or explodes in a fiery wreck of fried chicken bits.  The design was submitted by forum member Ajaykarat and it is awesome:


The guys did an amazing job translating this ambitious concept to their hearty 1987 BMW E30, and are almost done putting the final touches on it (yes, those are racing goggles on the chicken!):


There are a bunch more pictures of the design and construction here. So once again, go root for the feathery beast if you are in the area, or even if you aren’t. Good luck tomorrow guys, please do not die!



Five thousand giveaway DLC codes, Dan’s birthday

We are giving away 5,000 DLC codes on our devblog, twitter, forums, and our facebook groups! Five thousand! If you are interested in grabbing one just check Emil’s post below!!

I want to thank everyone for all of the great gifts on my birthday. I am pretty sure you guys have set a record well beyond the amount of gifts I have ever received!! So many emails of amazing art, plus some that have arrived right at our doorstep – and I’d like to show you some of those now:


hats n whales

The plushes were made by Anna the Red, who also brought us by a chicken plush at PAX! Thanks, Anna, these are INCREDIBLE!!!!

And of course, many cakes to make us fat with;


chicken cake from Kristjaan!!!

mysterious clown cake

I can’t really tell you how happy we are! This is how happy we are:

from sad to happy

Thanks so much guys, you are justice!!!!!
