Super Soviet Missile Mastar targets your iPhone/iPad

Greetings comrades,

In our very first foray into iOS development, we are bringing Super Soviet Missle Mastar into the palms of your hands.  The much beloved and not at all offensive mini game from Alien Hominid HD will let you pilot your missile into the capitalist pigs*, dodging the usual helicopters, planes, and pesky birds. Assuming Apple doesn’t employ anti-air measures during the approval process, we expect to launch this into the universe sometime in the next month, for FREE! SSMM will push your iPhone to the edge of its capabilities with state-of-the art 8-bit graphics! Remember, in Soviet Russia game plays you.

*Any resemblance to any actual capitalist pigs living or dead is purely coincidental.

Tournament of Champions

EDIT —-> check out This Page for more Tournament info!!

To celebrate Castle Crashers reaching over 2 million players on XBLA we’re going to have a little (BIG!) tournament for all you millions of XBLA Castle players. So I hereby introduce The Behemoth’s first ever…

With all these people playing Castle Crashers.. many have claimed to have the unparalleled skillz, the bestest combos, the most awesome attacks. Finally, once and for all we shall know:

Who is the best Castle Crashers Arena Fighter in all the world?

The first prize of the Tournament of Champions is a Gold Xbox. Yes, a functional Xbox plated in 24k GOLD. Imagine playing on a golden Xbox. Envision the look on your friend’s faces. Kings and Queens would come over to your house to play BattleBlock Theater.

2nd prize will also win an Xbox, though not of silver- an Castle Crashers themed Elite. 3rd place will drown their nearness to victory in 250 squishy chickens. Everyone in the top 100 will win a prize, and the top 24 will get a special bonus as well. Here’s how its going to go down:

To be eligible for the tournament you have to be in the top 100 Weekly Ranked Arena players on the Castle Crashers leaderboards at noon (PST) on January 28th. You will have all that week to battle amongst yourselves to claim those spots.  The top 100 will compete in 1 on 1 Arena matches, in a single elimination tournament format on Saturday February 5th, until we have a victor! You have 2 weeks to hone your skills before the tournament begins!

EDIT —-> check out This Page for full rules and contest info!!

Basic small print:
One entry per person. Players must be available to play online from 8:00am to 5:00pm (PST) on February 5th. Players under 18 years of age must have parental permission to participate. Level 256 and other cheaters will be disqualified!