See Cecil at the end of the new Solo


2014 marks another year of great community made playlists in BattleBlock Theater for the foreseeable future. Also, something seeable at the completion of the new Solo Playlist in Furbottoms Features is the new special prisoner, Cecil!


Yes, Cecil the Cyclops will be yours as long as you’ve finished all the levels in either the new Solo playlist or replay our Cooperative CoMentumMonster playlist to the end. Sign in to Xbox LIVE now to play Furbottoms Features in the full version of BattleBlock Theater.


The new featured Solo Playlist is called “ZombieNarwhals” by MisterrQuentin. Click HERE for a preview of the levels and a write up by our very own Lead Level Designer, Aaron!


Our 2013 Recap – Happy New Year!

Happy New Years Eve! 2013 was a big year for us for so many reasons. We hit a lot of milestones including celebrating our 10-year-anniversary as a company, releasing our third title (BattleBlock Theater), hitting our 5th year after the release of our second title (Castle Crashers), and attending several new shows in the U.S.
We had a lot to be thankful for and we wanted to share our favorite moments with you. That being said, this is going to be a rather lengthy post but we hope you’ll enjoy going down memory lane with us!

Pictured: Team Behemoth + our loved ones
Pictured: Team Behemoth + our loved ones


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