2014 Halloween Contest Winners


We had over 50 entries this year with amazing costumes and decorations from Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers, BattleBlock Theater, and even Game 4! Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! It was extremely difficult to narrow down all those cool entries to 3 winners in each category. After some debate, here are the chosen ones for 2014:


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Halloween Specials for BattleBlock Theater

We wish you ghouls and gals out there a happy Hatty Halloween! After you’re done hunting and gathering delicious candies, you can relax at home with one of our new solo features in BattleBlock Theater Furbottom’s Features. You’ll need to pull of a few tricks to complete the levels, but at least you’ll get a treat at the end!
Get SwampBro when you complete either the co-op or solo Furbottom’s Features in BattleBlock Theater.
Here are the new Furbottom’s Features Solo Playlists:
XBLA Solo Playlist:
Halloween by MarioCallum0105
Difficulty level – Intermediate
Oh, the lovely middle. The greenest grass will occasionally be right here, firmly content to be on the fence. Levels in line with the difficulty of the original Story campaign will be here. Expect some challenge, but nothing too strenuous.


Steam Solo Playlist:
Hodge Podge Pie by Sir Robo
Difficulty level – Easy
A walk in the laser and buzzsaw filled park. Playlists of this difficulty will be a smooth experience full of interesting ideas more so than relentless challenge. These will generally be easier than the original Story mode campaign.
FeaturePost_25OFFAlso, we’re celebrating Halloween by giving you the 25% OFF prisoner! Just launch the game and head towards an online area to find this special unlock.
Finally, if you haven’t heard about the biggest treat we have: BattleBlock Theater Steam is 75% OFF until November 3rd! Tell your friends or get the game as a gift while this sale is still up.
Happy Halloween, kiddies!