Hey there, amigos! We’re on our last day of RTX 2015 now (sad face) and we hope to go out with as much of a bang as we’ve done the past two days of the expo!
Hey there, amigos! We’re on our last day of RTX 2015 now (sad face) and we hope to go out with as much of a bang as we’ve done the past two days of the expo!
Today is 13th anniversary for Alien Hominid on Newgrounds! It was the game that started it all for us! You can still check out the flash game on Newgrounds or you could play Alien Hominid HD version on Xbox Live Arcade.
In celebration of this anniversary, we’re giving out FBI Agent1 to those who complete the Furbottom’s Features in BattleBlock Theater! You can play the solo playlist or play the newly updated co-op playlist:
XBLA Co-Op Feature:
Cooperate by RAIDER H
Difficulty Rating: Easy
(We apologize for the delay in putting up this XBLA Co-Op Feature. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties, but we will update this post as soon as it’s up! Thanks for your patience)
Steam Co-Op Feature:
catty catty by Puszkoslaw
Difficulty Rating: Easy
Have fun playing and unlocking this special prisoner!