Kick off the Holiday season with Ms Pump

FeaturePost_MSPUMPThe holidays are all about the loved ones. The people you want to spend time with–whether it’s eating, shopping, or gaming. Ms. Pump understands that you need a lot of heart during this time, so we’re giving her to you in BattleBlock Theater.
Load up BattleBlock Theater and head towards an online area to unlock this new friend. Then bring your human friends into the game and play some new Arena Features!
Here are our picks from the community:
XBLA Arena Feature:
my_playlist by Lightningflam31
Steam Arena Feature:
Jump ‘n Slam! by Pannox
We’ve got a few more prisoners coming up next week, so be sure to check back on the blog to keep up with our news. Or you can sign up for our e-newsletter HERE. Enjoy the weekend!


4 thoughts on “Kick off the Holiday season with Ms Pump”

    • On XBLA this prisoner 1st came out on Valentine’s Day, but we are doing it as an encore release and 1st time release on Steam. 🙂 Doesn’t mean it won’t come up again once we’ve gone thru all the prisoners again on XBLA/Steam!

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