Castle Crashers Remastered – A sit down with Mr. Paladin

We’ve recently announced Castle Crashers Remastered in all its glory! I wanted to take this time to talk about why we decided to do this and what it means to us.

About a year ago we started thinking about the future. Castle Crashers would disappear along with lots of other games once the “Last Gen” would wave goodbye. We’d all move onto our new consoles and Castle Crashers would be stuck there on the old ones. We didn’t really like the idea of the game no longer being available to you guys or any newcomers. Millions of people have enjoyed the game and written into us with such amazing experiences, it seemed like it’d be a loss to just let it vanish for any new or returning console players.

We chose to bring Castle Crashers Remastered to the Xbox One seeing as Castle Crashers’ original home was on the Xbox 360, having more than 4 million happy players! And for you PC gamers who might be curious, Castle Crashers on Steam will in fact receive these same updates to the game in the future!!!

This is a game that means a lot to us. It was a very defining moment for us as a company. Your continued support has brought us all the way to this point, which is almost EIGHT YEARS after its release! Seriously, THANK YOU!

So instead of simply porting it we felt like we should update it and make improvements. Math time!!!! The original Castle Crashers shows 407,040 pixels at any given moment at 30 frames per second. Castle Crashers Remastered is displaying 2,073,600 pixels at any given moment all while 60 frames per second. That’s 5.094 times more pixels shown at double the framerate! For anyone wanting to see a visual of what that means for the size and clarity of the resolution, please see this:


The game seriously feels better due to its buttery smoothness in all its double frame rate speeds all while and it looks nicer with much larger textures. But we didn’t just end there!

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