Comic Con 2015 is just weeks away!


We’re excited to start up our next round of expos we’ll be attending this year. We’re going to kick off the summer shows with San Diego Comic Con!
This year, we’ll be at Booth # 229 (it’s in the gaming section of the exhibit hall) and you’ll be able to catch all of our custom built arcade cabinets featuring our games: Game 4, BattleBlock Theater, Alien Hominid HD, and Castle Crashers. Our Castle Crashers arcade cabinet will actually be newly refurbished to run our upcoming Xbox One edition: Castle Crashers Remastered!
Come stop by to say hi and get the unique experience of playing our games on our rad arcade set up! See you July 9 thru July 12!


The Dad returns for Father’s Day

Good fathers of the world, we gather this weekend to proclaim this third Sunday of June to be a day of paternal bonding. Huzzah!
In honor of these celebratory events, we bring you “The Dad” in our Theater of BattleBlock. His hair and his title scream casual, but doubt him not. He holds the power of responsibility and morality. Wield him wisely.
Unlock The Dad when you load up BattleBlock Theater this week and be sure to also play some arena levels with your dad if you can:
XBLA Arena Feature:
Hardcore Arena by QuitBig D
Steam Arena Feature:
Variety Pack! by westbrook
Happy Father’s Day!