Super Heroes & Hellish Hazards in BBT

We’ve got an exciting line up for you in BattleBlock Theater this week. (So exciting, it may just soil your undies… o_O)
Furbottom’s Features Solo Playlists:
XBLA Solo Playlist:
Super Heroes by edwinewe
Difficulty : Intermediate

Steam Solo Playlist:
Hellish Hazards by SilentKnight96
Difficulty : Expert

MrPeabody210x235 For your dedication as the main super hero of your trials or for your triumph over hellish hazards, you’ll be awarded with our own special little guy in BattleBlock Theater. Mr. Peabody has got the super hero attire on lock-down. Not only is he wearing undies outside where the sun does shine, he’s got a super solid mask. BOOM. 2 birds with 1 stone.
(If you already have Mr. Peabody in your list of Star prisoners, then you will not be receiving an unlock notification.)

Difficulty level explanations:

Intermediate – Oh, the lovely middle. The greenest grass will occasionally be right here, firmly content to be on the fence. Levels in line with the difficulty of the original Story campaign will be here. Expect some challenge, but nothing too strenuous.
Expert – Expert difficulty playlists will be challenges even for BattleBlock veterans. These levels are put together with no regard for the safety of your prisoner. Innovative and deadly exercises await inside these demanding levels. Doubly so on Insane Mode!
*A special note regarding Prisoner unlocks: Remember you can complete either Story mode Furbottom’s Feature to unlock this week’s featured Prisoner. If the Solo Feature is too hard, try Co-Op and vice versa! You can even recomplete current Feature’s you have already played!