Howdy folks! We sure hope you had a good time following our Comic Con news this past weekend. It was a crazy hectic weekend, but we are now back in the office ready to bring more fun community levels to you in BattleBlock Theater.
As many of you know, we generally update the Furbottom’s Features section of BBT on Fridays. We had to push the Furbottoms Features cooperative playlist to this Monday, but we will be resuming the Friday schedule this week and updating the Arena Feature again this Friday.
So here are the two community co-op playlists that we’ve featured in BattleBlock Theater:
Random Levels by The Hobb1t
In Steam:
Fun co-op v.2 by reridse
Click the links above for a photo preview and a write up by our level designers.
For those who finish either the Furbottom’s Features co-op or solo, you’ll be able to unlock Blocketeer once you’ve completed all the levels!
Yep, you’ll be able to jet around the levels with this fella. I reckon you don’t want to miss this opportunity.
As an added bonus for playing BattleBlock Theater online, players will also be unlocking Moose for a limited time.
Get them soon while supplies last!
Im almost done with this im on last level please help me GamerTag Pratt dog20
Add me.
Furrbottom wont work for mee
me too
that coop on the steam version is harrrrd
This feature keeps giving me the message “The battle block theater service is unavailable” every time I try to play it.
I’m assuming I’m not the only one.
I’m on Xbox by the way.
this happens to me too u.u
same here
i can not play the features on xbox live it says The BattleBlock service is not avaible. Please try again later but i can play the story mode coop and the arena online
It should be up again.
its still the old playlist for me
Are you looking at the Co-Op on XBLA?
Im still getting Ampersand… it’s been like 2 weeks now… im in Steam