Comic Con – Day 1 Pics & Day 2 Events

Look it’s Hatty and friend! (We heart fans who cosplay)

Day 1 of Comic Con went by smoothly at our booth (229). We had our first Twitter Photo Raffle at noon and we’ll be doing it again for those who come in to Comic Con today and tweet their pic with #Game4Cupcake before 12PM. We’ll randomly draw a winner around noon and the winner will be able to pick up a duck shark hat from us before 2PM today!
But that’s not all folks! No, siree. From 2PM to 4PM today and tomorrow, our fearless leader and Art Director, Dan Paladin, will be doing autograph signings at our booth. Just bring your Behemoth merch and he’ll give you his John Hancock. Meet and greet with Dan and the rest of our crew today!

See more pictures in our Day 1 album.