Back from PAX, Back on the Interweb!

First of all I wanted to apologize for our sites being down for the past few days. Apparently when everyone in the world tries to access our website at the same time, the server starts to freak out. Our hope was to have an increased amount of people visiting our sites (dev blog, forum, etc) but didn’t expect this many. What’s the official word from our hosting provider you ask? Abuse and overuse!

On to the most important thing, Castle Crashers…..

For those of you who are experiencing online issues, saving issues, etc I want to assure you that we are all very hard at work at getting an update to the game out as fast as we can. I am gathering all of the emails, forum posts, etc, etc for all of the issues that have been reported. As soon as I get them organized I will try to post them on here so everyone can see what we’re going to fix for the update. Again if you have any issues you want to discuss with us please email them to games[at]thebehemoth[dot]com and try to put a relevant subject line on there so I can sort through them easier. My next step is to get our forums back online without getting shut down again in the meantime you can find me on the Xbox forums.

Now we don’t have official numbers from Microsoft yet but according to our friends over at vgchartz, The Behemoth’s anticipated beat ’em up smashes every record with 78,545 units”. Apparently our 3 day sales are one of the highest recorded in Xbox LIVE Arcade history, sweet! Once we get some official numbers we’ll post them heres but as of right now the leaderboards show 170,000 users listed!

Thanks so much everybody for your support and understanding. Without your amazing dedication we wouldn’t even be here, so keep on crashing those castles and we will get everything smoothed out ASAP!

Thanks, we love you all !!!!!!!


53 thoughts on “Back from PAX, Back on the Interweb!”

  1. Well firstly, as most have said. Great work on the game, it is pure genius.

    Now on to business: Is there anyway we could get some hints/tips on unlockable characters? I’ve never seen a game out for an entire week without someone having found all there is to find. I think at this point people would just like to know if the prior statement of “22 unlockable characters” is actually still true? Lemme know.

    Love you guys πŸ˜‰


  2. my faborite character is the Red knight and is because that i pass the game with that character, and is because that i have the figure of the Red knight.

    good game dan and tom

  3. so i played the game the day it came out. and it was fantastic.

    then my 360 RROD’ed that very same day…it leaves for repair tomorrow.

    great timing.

    anyways, the crashing i did so far was great, can’t wait to get back to it!

  4. If the remaining chars are DLC I’m never going to buy a game from you again. The whole online community would have wasted its time. I feel like I wasted my time, I beat it with every guy and I also beat it in insane with fencer. NOTHING UNLOCKED. I was the damn Necromancer.

  5. Love the game so much. πŸ™‚ Its easily the best game I’ve downloaded for XBox Arcade.

    First AH, and now CC. You guys rock my world on so many levels.

    I haven’t experienced too much bad luck online. I’ve been able to play with a few friends of mine that got the game as well. The arena and Quaff matches don’t seem to work so well, but I’ll patiently await for the patch..and please, for the love of all that is holy, make those figurines available again. I’ve got a spot on my computer desk with nothing on it..please fill that void. πŸ™‚

    Much Love,

  6. Okay guys, restock your store like yesterday! I need to buy castle crashers merch so I can whore your game around Philadelphia.

  7. Good game, but I seriously can’t believe it made release. My friends and I bought this game specifically for online co-op. After a frustrating evening performing connection testing, trying to figure out what the issue was – not believing it could be the game!

    I hope it is fixed soon – the game shows real potential, but just now I can’t help but feel cheated.

  8. Well, I would if they were free lol… But I am working on beating all with insane now. And I guess I have to buy alien homonid :S :S :S

  9. yeah, i played it constantly for a day or 2 and got a character to about lvl 32 and then i recovered my gamertag at my dads house to show him the game… i had no characters when i recovered, i didn’t mind (thinking that i will have them back when i get home), so i recovered again when i got home and i had no characters or experience on any D:
    i even lost alien hominid… and i got the game and plenty of achievements! so i have given up playing it now D:

    good game while it lasted though… and i could not get a game online with my friends D:

    maybe when its fixed ill go back and mooch of my friends on it…

  10. Where are my playable wizards? Where are my staves? Why can I not forgo armour, put on my pointy hat of doom, equip my staff of hurting and crush my foes with blasts of hydrokinesis?
    You can double the roster with our ideas, surely.

  11. Hey, I did have a small problem.

    I’m avoiding online right now so my save game doesn’t get wiped but I’ve been playing 4 player local and have revived all my party members multiple times (red knight lightning power leveling ftw) and it never gives me the achievement. Do I have to play online to get it? If so I’m just gonna wait for the patch to get that one. Love the game.

  12. Aww. Emil, we love you too. The Behemoth has outdone itself once more! This sounds so great I want to buy an Xbox 360 just for this game! (Oh and Alien Hominid HD too)

  13. High Five!
    Oh and what game are you working on next Dan?
    I’ve read that joystick interview and something is in the works!
    Alien Hominid 2?

  14. Everyone is saying what I want to say (except Hector). Great game.

    I honestly have almost no problem online. I only play with about 3-4 people, usually 2 player games, and it only disconnects every hour or so for us (save one friend which I never get disconnected from, yay!)

    Thanks to Tom, Dan, Emil, and the neglected to be mentioned John who cleans the bathrooms apparently πŸ˜›

  15. Great game guys, I bought Hominid on day one, bought CC day one.
    I just hope you guys put a lot of effort in fixing the online multiplayer because as it stands it’s pretty br0ken. When it works the game is a blast but sadly the game crashes when loading/transitioning to the next screen.
    Best wishes, you guys deserve all the sales for making a great game.

  16. Do you think you will release castle crasher outside xbox marketplace one day? I really want to play this game but I don’t have a internet connection at the moment.

  17. No worries about the bugs and crashes, Emil – it happens to everyone. I think Microsoft bases their work philosophy on that premise.
    This game was worth the wait too : 2 years, plus a few days to get back from PAX. It was great seeing your booth there, hope you had fun… until the Enforcers told you to stop throwing shirts over Pink Godzilla. Hope you got the pics.

  18. firstly, AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING. Most addicting game I have played in years.

    Secondly, I think the characters need some mad balancing. I\’m not too sour about it, since I, by coincidence, picked red knight, which turned out to work marvelously, but just about all the standard characters lack the tactical advantage of the red and blue knights, and as far as I can tell nobody can compare to the green knight in damage dealing abilities (except red, by holding down Magic+Y for unfathomable amounts of damage). And I\’m bummed to find most unlockable characters so similar in terms of both gameplay and animations.

    Also the layering\’s obvious on nearly all the doors when a magic jump is performed through them.

    But other than that and the whole save-wipe thing this game is GOLD. I LOVE YOU GUYS. And Dan has been like an inspiration for me as an animator and game designer since I played Dad n Me

  19. yea congratz. now get to work that ur game is awesome but it sucks online …..

    and u guys know that the online experience is a must have.

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