
Shrouded in mystery, the Ninja holds a Ninja Mug for his defensive shielding.

Here’s the Ninja in action…



62 thoughts on “Ninja!”

  1. Hey Emil,

    Can you answer something for me? Do each of the hidden characters have their own magic attacks? Or are there just like ten different magic types and you spread them out through the twenty some characters?

    Also how come you didn’t give him a katana?

  2. we have a bag full of magic attacks spread throughout all of the characters. we’ll elaborate more on this as we get closer to release. I’m working on a character magic section for th dev blog.


  3. hey i love this guy but 1 serious question tom, emil, dan, ect. how did you react to that lady controversy accusing you guys of racism. really want to know. did it hold you guys back affect you at all. i thought that lady was stupid with a sick racist mind.

  4. Thanks for answering my question. I think I magic section would be really cool. I think having like ten or so different choices of magic spread throughout the characters would be very cool. Another question I was wondering: Are the ninja stars his form of the bow and arrow or are those something to do with his magic?

  5. Oh @#$# Ninjas!?!!?

    Great update and I’m defintely impressed with the amount of work and love you’ve put into making this game. Got a chance to play the DEMO at PAX2007. I was sold at that moment.

  6. O-MA-GUD!!!! i love u guys so much for this ninja! in the second screen shot is that blue majic thing comin out of his ninja mug?

  7. Yay! Ninja Trumps Pirate! mwahahaha! 😀
    Naw, just kidding, I can still see pirates in there, even if they don’t have guns, considering some creatures and areas clearly represent a more modern day theme, if not futuristic.
    Also, a mug! That’s hilarious! I never would have thought of that!
    Keep this up, I like these updates taming my excitement.

  8. Is that a mug o’ ale? His headgear looks like a Jolly Roger.
    Picture looks like an arena of a sort.

    Side note, my website is my gamertag (check it in status bar of IE). Why is no one else’s is?

  9. See I think he has some sort of dark ice or something along those lines. Cause if you look at the bottom picture it has the purple orb but it you look at the top it looks like he has some purple mist around him. I figure that the ninja star is a ranged version of his magic. Maybe dark ice shaped like a ninja star

  10. If castle crashers is coming out as soon as well all hope or think then they have a lot of “unveiling” to do. Even if they list one a day till the game comes out that will mean there is roughly over two months. :[ I was sad when I figured this out.

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