Bronze Age

After all the plaster is removed, the sprues are cut off and a hole is drilled in his helmet to receive the neck pin. Then the knight is polished and the hand drilled so he can hold a sword.


Although this casting looks pretty good, you can see some places where the bronze has some pretty big divots.


These small defects would be nothing compared to the next castings…

*Update* — well, except the request by voidshatter for more shiny + lens flare… πŸ™‚

shiny shiny


28 thoughts on “Bronze Age”

  1. so glad to see another update :D. it was great timing i was on the phone with microsoft when i saw this πŸ™‚

  2. whoa, lens flare! Yeah!

    so one of the things we’ve been debating in the office is how exactly these trophies will be awarded. Of course some of them will be for top leaderboard winners but some gamers will play the game a lot but never be number 1. But somehow it seems that they should be able to compete for a trophy. What other ways should we give these out? Thanks for the feedback


  3. how bout most colours while fighting.
    maybe, found the most items, or most animal orbs.
    or maybe just the best name on the leadership board.

  4. If you want to deviate from who can play the game the best, there could be a fan-art contest. Maybe something like a T-shirt design or catch phrase/slogan competition. Even a screen shot competition. These would all be great ways for players who are not the best to compete for a trophy.

  5. im making cereal boxes to advertise this game in graphics… im sure that would be deserving of something if it is good enough *hint hint*
    but the award for most epicness goes to dan

  6. Idea for distribution other then being on thr Leaderboards?
    I saw fan-art. I’d do that. Many others will too. Maybe a competition with the ARENA OF ICY DOOM!… and other locations made. would be cool to play the game with the developers though. Who wouldn’t want to beat up Emil for the hand of the maiden? πŸ˜›

  7. LOL, yeah that interview was a lot of fun. Not everyday you see a puppet make fun of us! It was great that M64 took the time out to travel all the way to the studio and interview us.

  8. yeah. it was also the first time ive seen what john looks like. now ive seen john, dan and tom. by the way has tom cut his beard?

  9. I have an idea for who deserves trophies, perhaps the best idea for what to do to get a trophy gets the person a trophy ! *hint hint*.

    Maybe, if people have fan art which is good enough they could gain both the lovely brass awards and some of there art in the picture packs !

    Still one question guys, what language did you code the game in ? I’m still wondering to this day, Actionscript or C# ?

  10. i have the over whelming urge to throw a castle crasher into one of those giant cats at the sides of the arena… release some gamer pics already!!! lol

  11. So uh, will we be able to purchase these or something? Or are you just making them for yourself – you SELFLESS BASTARD! πŸ˜›

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