Pit People Update 6b+c (Hotfix)

A Pit People update went live on Xbox One today with a lot of improvements since the launch of the full release last month. These changes will be implemented on the Steam side in two separate parts as Update 6b (out now) & Update 6c (coming soon), so for the sake of consistency we will be calling this Update 6b+c for the Xbox One version.

Note: The Xbox One update is close to 2GB. It’s a large download in part because of the changes, but mostly because we increased the resolution on all of our cinematics with this update.

(Warning: last two bullet points contain *spoilers*)

Update 6c changes (currently just out on Xbox One):

  • Players with “maxed out” save slots (heavy load of recruited fighters and collectible items) had their online functionality affected. Other players were unable to see these affected players in the Pit modes and story mode. This has been fixed in this latest update.

Update 6b changes:

  • Updated finale narration with new VO
  • Robot Judges in the Star Player mission are now correctly using electrobot voices any time they talk.
  • Removed “Jerkimedes” name in one of the Quest Dialogue bubbles (when Horatio is speaking)
  • Fixed Mr. Whispers Troll recruit quest – Mr. Whispers now actually wants a troll, not a cupcake.
  • All world map Elites are now vulnerable to nitro.
  • Fixed issue so that fighters purchased in the Marquette retain their tint color.
  • Songs now change instantly when toggling Streamer-Friendly Music setting.
  • Updated streamer friendly alternate tracks.
  • *Spoiler* Fixed issue with the Mt. Olympus gate not opening.
  • *Spoiler* Fixed a bug in Groomer Has It that prevented Hagatha from being captured.