Xbox 10 Year Anniversary – Thank You Sale

In 2001, the first Xbox console was launched. Since then, Microsoft has launched Xbox LIVE, Xbox 360, Xbox 360 S, Kinect, and lots more. To show their appreciation to all the Xbox users and fans, they are having a huge Thank You Sale and they’ve included Castle Crashers!

Castle Crashers XBLA 50% Off
For a limited time only

Be sure to check the “Spotlight” section on your dashboard for the Xbox Anniversary experience on November 15.  The sale is for a limited time only until November 19, so get the game now to start crashing in your own castle!

Castle Crashers Sale On Xbox LIVE Arcade!

Egads! Somebody decided to chop the cost of Castle Crashers on Xbox LIVE Arcade in half as if it were a dastardly barbarian who pillaged our village. As you know, all lifeless, severed barbarian heads are only worth about 600 MS points on the black market, so that’s how much we’ll be charging for a copy of Castle Crashers from now through Monday, May 21st. Not a bad deal when you consider you’re getting the FULL game… that’s much better than only a portion of a barbarian corpse.



That right there is what we call value. You’d be a fool to pass up a deal like that. A FOOL! And don’t go tellin’ us that you already bought the game twenty times… that’s no excuse! When you see a good deal, you must snatch it up immediately, or you run the risk of having sleepless nights for the rest of your life. A lifetime of insomnia or 600 MS points. The choice is clear.

Plus, we know you forgot to buy mom a gift for Mother’s Day this past weekend. What better way to say, “I’m sorry for being a horrible offspring,” than with the gift of Castle Crashers? It’s what she really wants anyway. Seriously. She told us.

Grab a copy of Castle Crashers for 50% off before we realize what a horrible mistake we’ve made and put the price back where it should be. Check out the Microsoft Studios Sale!