Beta FAQ and Official Closed Beta Contests

BetaFAQsmwhiteBattleBlock Theater Beta FAQ

It’s been about a week since we announced the Beta Registration Form for the upcoming BattleBlock Theater Beta. We’ve collected a few questions from the community and put together a Frequently Asked Questions PDF just for you!

Confused about anything? Check out the FAQ.

If you have any questions that aren’t answered in the FAQ, please go to this forum post and create a post with your question.


Official Contests for BBT Closed Beta

Starting this week, we will be doing contests on various sites so that you can get a guaranteed spot for the BattleBlock Theater Beta! The Official Closed Beta Contest of this week will be on PlayXBLA!

Join PlayXBLA crew and our team during their live Twitch TV stream of Castle Crashers from 3PM – 4PM PST on Wednesday, January 23, 2013.  We will be doing trivia to give away the Beta spots and we’ll be answering as many questions as we can. Ask us about The Behemoth or BattleBlock Theater!

Important note: Even if you win the guaranteed Beta spot, you MUST qualify according to the BBT Beta Terms & Conditions and have all the prerequisites fulfilled. Of course, we will need you to be registered on the Beta Registration Form. The process is the same, but you will be guaranteed a spot! No need to compete to be one of the 10,000 selected participants. 😉

Participants are eligible for only one guaranteed beta spot from any official contest. For example, if you win a spot from the week one contest, you are no longer eligible to win any additional contests.


BattleBlock Theater Beta




Hear ye, Hear ye!   We call volunteers for our BattleBlock Theater Closed Beta Test!  We have 10,000 fresh backstage passes and we’re not afraid to give them out!! Do you want one?  Can you smell it?  Does this delight you?  Are you not entertained?


Will you sit idly by and watch as your friends do battle amongst each other!? –  Cue the  important information :

  • This is a closed beta.
  • Beta testing will take place in February or March, 2013.
  • You must be at least 13 years old to participate. Under 18? Then you’ll need to have your parents help with registration.
  • Registrants must have the following: A working Xbox 360 with a reliable internet connection, Xbox LIVE Gold Account and a Behemoth forums account.
  • Individuals should register after reading all documents under Required Reading and be sure that they can fulfill the Prerequisites.
  • 10,000 registrants will be selected to participate.
  • Registration is ongoing until all beta codes have been distributed.

Are you interested?  Okay!  Here’s what I require from your person:  You will need to read all the documents in the required reading section and be able to fulfill the prerequisites to qualify;

check out all the beta details and fill out the registration form HERE.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the beta, please head over to our official forums and post HERE.

2013 will be the year of BattleBlock Theater! Or BattleBlock Theatre! If that’s your flavour.