A Milestone for Alien Hominid!

A long time ago, we made a game called Alien Hominid. It was based on the Newgrounds.com web game of the same name by Dan Paladin and Tom Fulp, and it led the creation of the Behemoth.

Well, just the other day, the original version of Alien Hominid passed a big milestone on Newgrounds – the game has now exceeded 20 million plays!

After being released on Newgrounds, the Behemoth was eventually formed and Alien Hominid was developed for the Nintendo GameCube and Sony PlayStation 2. Now the full HD version is available on Xbox LIVE.

Our lovable, little, yellow alien invader pal sure has come a long way since that little Flash version of the game. 20 million plays? That’s a LOT of chomped heads. Yeah… we’re really proud of him.

Anyway, we just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who’ve supported us by playing the game, sharing it with your friends, and even wearing our Alien Hominid antennae at the San Diego Comic-Con with pride!

In other news, our fan fiction writing contest finalists have been selected and you can vote for your favorite story. The top five will be the lucky winners of a BattleBlock Theater t-shirt or Castle Crashers on XBLA or PSN America. YOU choose those five. Winners will be announced next Tuesday, May 15th.

Until then, try playing the original Alien Hominid to relive some of those chomptacular memories!

Coming soon to iOS – Alien Hominid: PDA Games!

Dear Citizens of BehemothTown,

FORGET EVERYTHING YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW ABOUT ALIEN HOMINID’S PDA GAMES. YEAH, remember that mini-game you used to play on your Game Cube, PS2, or even on XBLA in HIGH DEFINITION?

It’s back. But not in the way that you would think.


New Features (We might as well say the whole thing is new):

  • Art redone by Dan and Eric!
  • Everything is rewritten for iOS and REMASTERED!
  • 60 frames per second, wooooo!
  • Pause the game, after the menu disappears you will get to see a little run-through of your last 20 levels played (regardless of which worlds you’re in)

How to get it:

Download the free Alien Hominid: PDA Games APP from the Apple Store. It’ll be a Trial World Pack of 15 levels, and if you’d like to continue, you can choose the option to “Purchase Full Game” to unlock over 500 levels of fun for only 99 cents!

But don’t forget, you can still experience the PDA games excitement without having to go out and buy an iPad or iPhone to play it! Just download Alien Hominid HD for XBLA. Here, earning an achievement will unlock the Alien as a playable character in Castle Crashers!

What’s special about PDA games is that you get a glimpse of what inspired BattleBlock Theater. But the game play for #BBT is going to be complex, refreshing and addicting! 🙂

In the Apple Store starting DECEMBER 8TH, 2011!

Keep on playin’ on,

Your favorite Pink Knight <3 Christine