BattleBlock Theater E3 Update!

You’re going to be hearing a lot of specifics this week. Stories about Nintendo’s new console, Halo Part 12, and a ton of other bullet point listed stats and facts about all the upcoming and greatest things ever created. We don’t have any of that really, in fact all we have is our new website for BattleBlock Theater. Inside of this brand new website you’ll find all kinds of non-specific things about our third game. Every week we’ll attempt to release a new prisoner profile that will outline some non specific elements about various non specific gameplay mechanics, block types, weapons, and various other “things” we’ve stuffed into the game.

Do you like to read words? Are you a human reading word machine? If that’s true you should probably check out the story section and read up on the adventures of Hatty and his non specific friend. Don’t like to read? Are you angry at words? No problem!  We have a media section that will fill your brain with videos and screenshots that we’re trying to release weekly.

So if you’re at E3 this week we highly suggest you stop a random stranger and ask them the following, “Excuse me sir are you aware of the re-release of the BattleBlock Theater website.” Sitting at a press conference for Konami wondering what the heck is going on? Stand up and say “Did everyone know the BattleBlock Theater website has re-launched with non specific information about the game!” I don’t know if this is the right thing to do, but I know it feels right and sometimes when things feel right you just go with it. So just go with it.






We’re hiring!

WOAH! The Behemoth is hiring for QA positions!

If you are in the San Diego area and feel like you have what it takes to be a part of The Behemoth’s team check out the positions listed here.

this could be you!!!
help us test BattleBlock Theater!
Who knows what Larry is doing? Whatever it is, you could be doing it too!