Mummy Undead Rising!

To survive in BattleBlock Theater, you always need to be on the move. Not only forward, but upwards! This week we observe Prisoners #10334 and #10401 partake in griefing activities and movement trajectories. Mummy dude and living skeleton dude will show you just how to use help each other and to get up on your own!

There’s more than one way to move up.

If you chose the dart gun as your weapon, you’ve got a fun one! Shoot your partner or enemy to knock ’em down and make your next move! Or, be practical and shoot a dart at a block when vertically challenged.  Doing so will allow you to use the attached dart as a temporary platform!  Highly functional.

Using body parts

The simplest way to help a friend when they can’t get up is to press the action button when you’re at the edge of a block. This will extend your hand to lift your friend up!

Another way to use your hand to help a friend (with pizzazz) is to employ the use of your fist to UPPERCUT PUNCH your friend up! It might hurt a little… but hey, it works!

If you’re a hard head like Prisoner #10401, you won’t mind that your mummy friend gets ahead by jumping on your head if they’re thankful for your cooperation…right? Hopefully skeletons can handle these intense HEADJUMPS!

Pick your poison!

Your Favorite Pink Knight<3,


Ice, Ice, Baby!

Today’s BattleBlock Theater update features Prisoner #10330, a slick-haired fella with an ice-cold exterior…well, because he’s been locked up in his Ice Block holding cell!
I’m sure everyone’s gone down a slippery slope sometime in their lives, as you will see Prisoner #10330 do in this play. These ice blocks are pretty to look at: glistening in their unpretentious beauty, light blue like the sky and waters they originated from and the sparkle hinting at the possibility of danger.
Other game mechanisms come into play at a moment’s surprise, like spike blocks! You’ll need to avoid being  mindlessly compelled into the trap while you’re on ice.

Fans will blow you away and just how far you want it to take you is up to you! Ice blocks can actually help you reach the next scene if you cooperate and let the fan push you far enough so that you can jump onto whatever blocks may be there! Be calculated in your approach to buzz saws and electricity-spewing blocks

When your movement comes to a stop and you need to get off the blocks, you’ll need more momentum for getting into the run, and it won’t be easy. Then with each push of both your feet, you’ll be gliding away in no time away from harm
And making a pleasant *squeak-squeak* noise as you get away, how cool!

Cupcakes & Unicorns,
<3 Your Favorite Pink Knight Christine