Castle Crashers Pricing

Earlier today a story broke about the Japanese Xbox site reporting that Castle Crashers was slated for release at 1800 Microsoft Points. Pricing for this game has not been determined yet. Both The Behemoth and Microsoft are still working together to figure out a reasonable price point. (not 1800 points)

One thing that we would like to point out is that much like a retail store Microsoft is the distributor for all Arcade titles, and therefore sets the final price. The developer can consult on this, but ultimately, pricing is at the discretion of the distributor (Microsoft).



For anyone looking for release date, it is August 27th! (see post below for more info)  

Gametrailers has posted an interview with Tom and I, as well as some gameplay footage, at: 


Beefy Mode

Edit: Sorry I broke comments yesterday, all is back to normal now, comment away!

Hello. I wanted to show everyone our Beefy Mode in Castle Crashers, and instead of showing you a screenshot of it in action I figured a very short gameplay video was long overdue.  Before we get to that here’s a little diagram that Dan put together to help further explain it. (sort of)

Beefy Mode is activated by eating some awesome PB&J sandwiches.

And here’s some footage of it in action ….

Castle Crashers – Beefy Mode from The Behemoth
